Brighton Verlag®
Brighton Verlag®

Jutta Vogt-Tegen was born in 1966 in Hamburg and grew up in Ahrensburg. She
is married and lives with 2 kids and her husband in Hamburg nowadays.

To give an idea about this talented artist we are summarize a short CV: After passing her university entrance diploma and a commercial apprenticeship she went to Monaco, to complete a one-year-volunteer-term in a fashion studio. She studied Industrial Economics of Fashion in the Black Forrest Area and worked afterwords as fashion purchasing responsibility of the Designer Team JIL SANDER, Hamburg. Alongside she not only published short stories in different literature magazines, but also studied and different Academies, such as Academy für Publizistik, Medienbüro Hamburg, Filmschule Berlin/Hamburg. After that she worked as Journalist for Germanys renowned Celebrity - Magazine GALA, and then as editor of the Magazine MAXI.

Jutta then decided to work as fulltime author – and gifted the following books
to her readers:

„Udo Jürgens – Porträt eines Weltstars“ /
„Hunger, der krank macht“ / „Die Traumhochzeit – Kate & William“.

Verlagsprogramm 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016 Web.pdf.pdf
PDF-Dokument [7.3 MB]

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