Brighton Verlag®
Brighton Verlag®

Dagmar Tollwerth, born in Erwitte in 1976, grew up in Germany as the daughter of a Portuguese mother and a German father. She is an accountant and lives with her family in Anröchte. To her writing is a beloved hobby so she dedicates her free time to it. Her debut as a poet she had in 2013 with the haiku collection "Zeigerloser Weg". With "Henry's Geschichte" for the anthology "SternenBlick - ein Gedicht für ein Kinderlachen" und "Die zerbrochene Rebe" she has moved on to a different genre. But she never lost her passion for the form of Japanese poetry. In september 2015, the German-Portuguese poetry book "Atmende Bilder" was published, dealing with haiku and senryu about the photographs of the deceased Portuguese photographer Susana Ferreira. As a lecturer she passed on her experience of haiku writing in a workshop in May, 2015.

2016 she found a new home in Brighton Verlag, where the book "Spuren in Worten - 58 Haiku and Senryu zu Persönlichkeiten" in which celebrities such as Veronica Ferres, Suzanne of Borsody, the Norwegian Crown Princess Mette- Marit Tjessem Høiby, the Oscar winner Glen Hansard or former world boxing champion Mike Tyson will be presented as well as their rapid and exciting stories.

Verlagsprogramm Stand: Juli 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016-3 Web.pdf
PDF-Dokument [9.0 MB]

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