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Brighton Verlag®

Jürgen Schmidt was born 1943 in Oldenburg. In his youth he was fascinated by adventure and the big wide world. When he was 14 years old he went as a cabin boy on his first ship. At sixteen, he left the ship and stayed in the Congo to court a young lady. He lived there for 1 year and became a victim of the political unrest in the wake of decolonization in 1959/60.

Later he operated, among other things, a gas station and several dining establishments. In between he traveled the oceans. From 1999 to 2011 he worked as a yacht captain in the Mediterranean. During this time, his first novel "
Die Tochter des Kongolotsen" was born. Driven by the writing " Liebe, Krieg und Mettwurst", " Tatort Ammerland" and " Das Bernsteinzimmer-Abkommen" followed. Today Jürgen Schmidt is a writer in Wilhelmshaven.

Verlagsprogramm Stand: Juli 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016-3 Web.pdf
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