Brighton Verlag®
Brighton Verlag®

Peter Pitsch was born 1963 in Herford. He lived among other in Berlin, Amsterdam, Rome, Copenhagen and Nykøbing (South-Denmark). Already as a teenager he wrote poems and short stories. During a long stay in Italy he gained experience as a film actor. He played in 12 movies and several commercials and incorporated "The Death" in a theatre play.
He worked with film-directors such as Dario Argento, Lamberto Bava and Mauro Bolognini. Thereafter he moved on to a career as a writer and artist. Today he lives in Scandinavia and is dedicated to literary writing as well as the design of book covers and digital art.

In the early nineties he published his first book, followed by several publications. In addition his reviews, poems and prose texts were included in various magazines and anthologies. The breakthrough came in 2008 with the satire "The Cuckoo's Egg Syndrome". Since then the contemporary poetry book "Wicked Tale", the autobio-graphical novel "Into the Unknown" and the thriller "WORLD" were released. 2011 he presented a new variation of his artistic work with the art book "Sixtysix – Digital Art". A book of poetry titled "Presence" and the chil-dren's books "The poor Poet and other fantastic tales" as well as "Gertrude, the cloud and the lack of wind" are available since 2012. This year the art book "Sixty Seven", the tale "Endless in the End" and another children's book will appear. (Brighton Publishing)

Verlagsprogramm Stand: Juli 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016-3 Web.pdf
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