Harry A. Medic was born on 31 March 1965 in Vienna. Her life has been enriched by two children (daughter geb.1993 and son born 1994). For 22 years H. A. Medic lives in Eisenstadt.
After the compulsory school years H A Medic completed a technical training in the "Technological Gewerbemuseum Vienna" Specialisation Silikattechnik. Medic studied 5 semester, at the "Technical
University of Vienna", Technical chemistry.
Followed by years of professional experience in the research laboratory and quality inspection in the field of tar and bitumen, as well as the technical underwriting in an insurance company before
Medic also worked in quality control of wine.
By the appearance of the disease fibromyalgia and a tremor in her hand, Medic was forced to terminate the activities in the lab. Since then, Medic is honorary / technical, among others, with projects
and presentations at schools for the awareness of young people in environmental / climate.
Since Medic is always open to new ideas and eager to learn, she started to devote herself to writing. Medic is being plunged into a strange but exciting world by reading and writing.