Oliver Jehl
was born on the 24. of December 1974 in Worms and grew up in Westhofen, a village in the heart of Rheinhessen. After graduation and military service he first earned a degree in public administration,
to switch thereafter to the private security sector. His hobbies include the history of his home town, spirituality and travelling.
His love for writing was revealed early on, especially in form of imaginative essays. Already as a teenager the aesthete has shown his rhetorical flair. In the late nineties Jehl made the study of
the history of his residence Westhofen a hobby. He became active in the local association "Westhofen e.V.", the cultural platform of the village, and began to research information single-handedly and
was a regular guest in the city archives of "Raschihaus" in Worms. Around the year 2009 he began to write poetry, his poems usually tell of his home region of Rheinhessen, wine and love. At the same
time he brought his self-written chronicle of Westhofen to its height and set up a small museum of local history "Raum 17" ("Room 17"). In the museum one can learn interesting facts about 7000 years
of colonization of the little spot on earth where the Franks founded the first settlement "Seeheim".
In 2013 the author turned his back on the local club; this step gave new strength to his hobby and his poetry. Oliver Jehl also draws inspiration from the still ongoing absence of a stable
partnership: Love, whether longed with every heartbeat or already met in a fictional way is a persistent motif of many of his verses. Oliver Jehl's poems always contain hope, joy and feeling. Many a
listener spoke of a heart touched.