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Brighton Verlag®

Aloisia Hartmeier was born in Worms.
She lives in Monsheim since 1978.
European Art Academy in Trier (inter alia Claude Mancini) as well as other seminars and special courses.
1996: She opened her own studio.
Member of different art and cultural associations.
Since 1999: paint-workshops for children.
Art award "Migration 2000 – In the middle instead of next to it", 3rd prize.
Hartmeier participated with success at the Internet art awards 2001, 2003 + 2005.
Public purchases of her paintings:
Caritas Worms, Anhäuser Mühle, Monsheim, savings bank Worms-Alzey-Ried, group practice in Worms by Dr. Ludger Schmidt-Riese, Dr. Thomas Herbel, DRK Hospital, Alzey, Protestant Church Community (Protestantische Kichengemeinde), Marnheim, St. Mary's Hospital (St. Marienkrankenhaus), Ludwigshafen.
Logo designed for:
Trullo-bicycle tour – the tourist office Southern Wonnegau Monsheim eV (Verkehrsverein Südlicher Wonnegau) and the culture club "Seven Mills Arts and Cultural Association" (Kulturverein Sieben-Mühlen), Grosskarlbach eV.
She designed art postcards "bridges connect" on the occasion of the opening of "Brunhilde bridge" (Brunhildenbrücke) in Worms, 2004.
Presented the image "Angel of Love" to cardinal Karl Lehmann for the 80th anniversary of Caritas Worms.
Received the "Euro art plaque" in the gallery Little Prince (Kleiner Prinz), Baden-Baden, May 2005.
2007: Participation at "Kunst am Strom" in Westhofen.
She painted a backdrop of ten meters width at the Fleckenmauerfest in Florsheim-Dalsheim, 2008-2012.
T-shirt design for Trullo-bicycle tour, 2009, 2011 & 2012.
At the art exhibition "Regio Art" in Gerolsheim/Pfalz, 2011 she designed a chair.
2012: Participation at the Arts Award in VG Monsheim and "koku", communications and culture, Rheinhessen.
Nomination for the Palm Art Award, Leipzig, 2013.
Individual and joint exhibitions:
Alzey, Worms, Mainz, Trier, Mannheim, Wöllstein, Jockgrim, Großkarlbach, Eisenberg, Lorsch, Landau, Bad Bergzabern, Pforzheim, Gelsenkirchen, Baden-Baden, Bottrop, Strasbourg/France, Albisheim/Pfalz, Zell, Spiegelau/Bavarian forest (Bayrischer Wald), Karlstadt, Stetten, Monsheim, Friedrichshafen am Bodensee, Colmar/France, Bad Kreuznach, Hockenheim, Münchweiler, Bad Münster am Stein, Ludwigshafen, Maikammer, Gerolsheim/Pfalz, Münster in Westphalia.

Atelier Aloisia Hartmeier
Kastanienstr. 8
D – 67590 Monsheim Kriegsheim
Tel.: 06243 8173
[email protected]
facebook unter Aloisia Hartmeier

Verlagsprogramm 2016
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