Brighton Verlag®
Brighton Verlag®
Mia N Spring was born in a small village in southern Saxony / Anhalt.

Upon successful graduation, she completed her entire working life in the teaching profession.

Today, she lives with her husband in Bad Lauchstädt.

For more than 30 years, she spent her spare ttime with art and form design, using diverse materials like watercolor, acrylic paintings, collages and sculptures. Followed by working with clay.

She loves BOOKS since childhood! They belong to her and her life.

She writes poetry, short stories, thriller.
Children's books belong to her repertoire as well; so far two of her very emotional books about a very terrific Sternenkind (child of the stars) have been published.
Verlagsprogramm 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016 Web.pdf.pdf
PDF-Dokument [7.3 MB]

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