Brighton Verlag®
Brighton Verlag®

One of your friends or business partners is a lover of literature and is celebrating his birthday? In that case use our comprehensive gift service.
You can call and request the title you want simply by notifying us by phone. We search the item out from our stock, we wrap it up with care and give you a greeting card on top of that.
Thereupon just pick up the finished gift at our store.
Of course we also gift wrap a book without previous call. You have discovered a spontaneous gift? Talk to us, our staff is there for you!

Verlagsprogramm Stand: Juli 2016
Verlagsprogramm 2016-3 Web.pdf
PDF-Dokument [9.0 MB]

Publikumsverkehr/ Öffnungszeiten Samstags 09:00-13:00

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